BOX 文件,如何打开或转换? (11种方法)

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BOX 文件,如何打开或转换? (11种方法)

2024-07-16 11:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

详细的文件扩展名 .box

在本页中,我们将仔细研究 .box 文件扩展名。

我们将解释 .box 文件格式到底是什么,以及如何使用它。如果您有兴趣了解有关此类文件的更多详情,我们会告诉您在哪里可以找到它们。如果你需要将 .box 文件转换成不同的格式,我们也会为你提供一些提示。

让我们来看看与此文件扩展名相关的 11 种文件格式!

内容 FoxMail Mailbox Data Cellblock Squadrons Archive Microsoft SMS Temporary Holding Area Data VTrain Box Data Lemmings Revolution Game Archive CARA Loudspeaker Design ICQ 6 BoxelyToolkit Data AIM Boxely Data Microsoft Store Download Data Kodicom Video Metadata MediaShout Presentation Script


FoxMail Mailbox Data The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with FoxMail, being used as a FoxMail Mailbox Data. Foxmail is a freeware e-mail client developed by Tencent. The developer is still actively supporting the FoxMail, likely. Based on our current information, FoxMail does not use other file types. 应用: FoxMail 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .oas Outlook Attachment Sniffer Data .rez Resume Divider Data .vaf DVD2SVCD Temporary Data .mbc Mulberry E-mail Client Cache Cellblock Squadrons Archive The BOX file belongs to the Game Data category and works with Cellblock Squadrons, being used as a Cellblock Squadrons Archive. Cellblock Squadrons is a space combat game in which convicted criminals must take on dangerous missions to earn their freedom. The developer no longer updates Cellblock Squadrons and does not provide support anymore. Based on our current information, Cellblock Squadrons does not use other file types. 应用: Cellblock Squadrons 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 游戏数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .syn Breakneck Game Archive .alf Aipro Land Data .tbv 3D Ultra Cool Pool Game Data .fbd F-22 Lightning Gravis Joystick Control Data Microsoft SMS Temporary Holding Area Data The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with Microsoft Systems Management Server, being used as a Microsoft SMS Temporary Holding Area Data. Microsoft's Systems Management Server is a comprehensive set of tools designed to aid system administrators in managing large scale deployments of Windows. SMS features an integrated centralized management scheme with support for heterogenious client environments. The developer is still actively supporting the Microsoft Systems Management Server, likely. Our data shows that Microsoft Systems Management Server uses 25 more file types. 应用: Microsoft Systems Management Server 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .ssu Microsoft SMS Discovery Hierarchy Manager Site Update .ddr Microsoft SMS Discovery Data Record .dc Microsoft SMS Collection Evaluator Deletion Data .ofr Microsoft SMS Offer File VTrain Box Data The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with VTrain, being used as a VTrain Box Data. VTrain is a complete tool that will help you improve your vocabulary in several languages, with a simple and entertaining learning system. The developer is still actively supporting the VTrain, likely. Our data shows that VTrain uses 3 more file types. 应用: VTrain 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .bsy VTrain Learning Card .b1 VTrain Data File .vok VTrain Vocabulary Trainer Data Lemmings Revolution Game Archive The BOX file belongs to the Game Data category and works with Lemmings Revolution, being used as a Lemmings Revolution Game Archive. Lemmings Revolution is a puzzle video game for Microsoft Windows. The developer is still actively supporting the Lemmings Revolution, likely. Based on our current information, Lemmings Revolution does not use other file types. 应用: Lemmings Revolution 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 游戏数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: - CARA Loudspeaker Design The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with CARA, being used as a CARA Loudspeaker Design. CARA (Computer Aided Room Acoustics) is a computer program for computing and optimizing Room Acoustics of arbitrary rooms. CARA is based on the sound source imaging method in combination with a backtracing procedure. The developer is still actively supporting the CARA, likely. Our data shows that CARA uses 3 more file types. 应用: CARA 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .csh CARA Script Engine Script .msk CARA Script Engine Mask .bdd CARA Sound Radiation Data ICQ 6 BoxelyToolkit Data The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with ICQ, being used as an ICQ 6 BoxelyToolkit Data. ICQ is an instant messaging computer program, which was first developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis. The developer is still actively supporting the ICQ, likely. Our data shows that ICQ uses 10 more file types. 应用: ICQ 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .ign ICQ Ignore List .exp ICQ Saved Chat .dtd ICQ 6 Settings Data .xsd ICQ 6 XSD Data AIM Boxely Data The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with AOL Instant Messenger, being used as an AIM Boxely Data. AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) is a free service to communicate with other people. The developer is still actively supporting the AOL Instant Messenger, likely. Our data shows that AOL Instant Messenger uses 7 more file types. 应用: AOL Instant Messenger 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .amo AIM Module Microsoft Store Download Data The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with Microsoft Store, being used as a Microsoft Store Download Data. Microsoft Store is a digital distribution platform owned by Microsoft. The developer is still actively supporting the Microsoft Store, likely. According to our data, Microsoft Store uses one more file types. 应用: Microsoft Store 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .tbres Microsoft Store TokenBroker Cache Data Kodicom Video Metadata The BOX file belongs to the Data category and works with Kodicom Client Software, being used as a Kodicom Video Metadata. The .BIX/.BOX file format is a video format used by Kodicom's CCTV recorders. The developer is still actively supporting the Kodicom Client Software, likely. According to our data, Kodicom Client Software uses one more file types. 应用: Kodicom Client Software 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: - 相关的延伸: .bix Kodicom Video MediaShout Presentation Script The SSC file belongs to the Data category and works with MediaShout, being used as a MediaShout Presentation Script. MediaShout is a popular, specialized multimedia presentation software for churches. The developer is still actively supporting the MediaShout, likely. According to our data, MediaShout uses one more file types. 应用: MediaShout 应用程序的名称: - 分类: 数据文件 MIME 类型: application/octet-stream 别名: box, mss 相关的延伸: .songs MediaShout Song Library

.box 文件扩展名可能不只属于一种文件类型,可能有多种类型的文件都使用它。请记住,扩展名为 .box 的文件可能包含各种内容类型。如果您有关于此扩展名的有用信息,请写信给我们!

是否有人拼错了 .box 文件扩展名?


.gox The Games Factory Extension Object .blx Magellan Mapsend Map Data .obx OpenBook v8 Document .ox Ox Program .bix Civilization 3 Scenario .bod X3: Reunion Ship Data .box 扩展名经常被错误使用

人们有时会混淆 .box 文件扩展名。根据我们网站上的搜索结果,以下是过去一年中最常见的拼写错误。

gox (1), blx (1), obx (1), ox (1), bix (1), bod (1), bos (1), bo (1), bpx (1), nox (1)

在打开 .box 文件时遇到困难?

如果要在计算机上打开 .box 文件,只需安装相应的程序即可。.box 关联设置不正确会引发此错误。




要更改文件关联: 右键单击一个您想改变其关联的文件与延伸档名,然后单击打开。 在打开 对话框中,单击您希望要打开的文件程序,或点击 浏览 找到你想要的程序。 在复选框中选择 总是使用选定的程序 去打开这种文件。 支持的操作系统

Windows Server 2016/2019/2022, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux, Mac OS X, macOS, iOS, Android

« BOWERRC 延伸档名 BOX3D 延伸档名 »




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